A place for these people, for their culture, for their place…
Situated along the sites’ natural slopes, our Bamiyan Cultural Center proposal takes in the beautiful views of the Bamiyan valley in the historical rich part of Afghanistan…
Main Gate, Entry Drop-Off and Security Station:
This primary entrance to the grounds provides a place for vehicles to drop off guests and family and for those who walk or use other means of travel. There is a wire sculpture of a single individual holding a neutral white cloth which acts as a ‘marker’ to help guide guests towards the main entrance as well as acting as a symbol of each visitor, that all can stand tall and be proud of their culture whcih is part of our human cultural. The security station at the main entrance provides the means to guard the grounds during large gatherings. The fence opens up varying degrees depending on the size of crowds. It, along with bollards and plinths act to secure the ground from any intrusion by vehicles.

Views to Cliffs:
The cafe and Library are positioned to allow guests to enjoy the views. In addition the entire academic and administrative wing affords views of the entire valley over the great lawn. Finally the Auditorium has full height doors which can be opened to give the audience a view of the cliffs, the room itself rotated to allow views of both major niches. Only the storage and exhibition spaces do not have direct views, as one’s attention would be directed at the artifacts on display.
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