Smith Street in Brooklyn is a bit of a unique street for New York City. This is because it is narrow and there is a 4 lane subway system below it. For ‘ever’ residents have assumed that you weren’t allowed to plant trees along the sidewalks because of potential interference with the subway tunnel. Continue reading “New trees grow on Smith Street”
‘Learning from Las Vegas’ -NOT!
Robert Venturi, Denise Brown and Steven Izen’s book ‘Learning from Las Vegas‘ makes an argument for finding order with in an apparently chaotic urban environment and using this supposed gained knowledge as justification for design. Continue reading “‘Learning from Las Vegas’ -NOT!”
When do we have fun?
This poster was created by Nicholas Buccalo to show the features in and around Columbus Circle in New York City, during the period when the Time Warner buildings were being planned. Of course I had to rotate the speculative design for the Columbus Circle building in order for it to be viewable from this viewpoint. It sits in the upper left corner with the large ‘TV’ letters on the side.
To be a great architect… you must be able to draw.
In order to be a great Architect, the individual needs to know how to draw. But it isn’t just that one can put a pencil down on paper, what an ability to drawing represents is that the individual knows how to see. Yes, see. Continue reading “To be a great architect… you must be able to draw.”
Pyramid of Knowledge, An Attitude Approach to Learning
Each new thing a person learns is one block in their own Pyramid of Knowledge. That is, when they learn about how to cross a street, they’ve earned one block. Every block builds upon another and is reinforced over time. Without this core knowledge continual reinforcement one’s pyramid can crumble. Continue reading “Pyramid of Knowledge, An Attitude Approach to Learning”
Concept for an ideal house.
To paint with words a concept for an idea house, designed to help forge an optimistic age of humanism. Continue reading “Concept for an ideal house.”
Rendering on the official White House Museum website.
Take a look at a rendering we completed as commissioned by Nest Magazine. The image, one of two, shows the Blue Room, the main reception room of the White House directly opposite the residencial entrance, as it was viewed and designed originally. Being a reconstruction I worked with archaeologists to get the space, patterns and colors correct. Continue reading “Rendering on the official White House Museum website.”
IBM Corporate Headquarters Virtual Reality Walkthrough
This virtual walkthrough was created during the infancy of the technology. In fact, IBM requested that we produce the images at a specific resolution to work with their new VR technology. While I did this I could also see flaws in their approach.
Enjoy the video, and tell me what you think. ~Nick Buccalo
Continue reading “IBM Corporate Headquarters Virtual Reality Walkthrough”
IBM Corporate Headquarters in Virtual Reality

360 Degree “Virtual Reality” Scenes. Virtual Reality allows an observer to: 1) digitally move into a space, 2) turn around 360 degrees, and, 3) to click on hot spots to move into other spaces sequentially.
Continue reading “IBM Corporate Headquarters in Virtual Reality”
Welcome to SimpleTwig!
Welcome to our new blog for SimpleTwig. Here we hope to explore ideas in and around Architecture, including problems we see, solutions, conceptual ideas, theoretical ideas and the like.
We hope you will follow us, and add your comments to our topics, or make suggestions, ask questions, voice your opinions or point out something interesting in the world of Architecture and other things that relate to what we do here at SimpleTwig.
SimpleTwig™, founded and owned by Nicholas Buccalo, provides professional Architectural, Rendering and Digital Graphics solutions to Architects, Developers and HomeOwners. Located in New York City, SimpleTwig works on projects around the world. To learn more visit our website at