This proposal is about these people and their place. It is not about injecting an edifice that reflects a foreign culture, or afraid and thus hidden underground, but instead echoes the best cultural center that would be appropriate for this place and these people…
The Bamiyan Cultural Centre, presentation board 3 of 3 boards, with a multitude of images and text on each board.
Over the coming months we will release each image individually along with it’s corresponding text, so please subscribe. Sorry we are breaking it down this way, but we wish to engage our subscribers with specific topics related to the program function and text being presented.

We shall not hide, but stand against those who would threaten the innocent, the different, the weak. We shall be proud to be human, to be alive and to be strong. No bully shall make us move for we shall stand together, stand strong, stand tall, and stand above this earth’s surface.